I recently caught up with Danyale Walden, CEO of The Walden Group, to learn some fun facts about her from her favorite pastime to her top 3 stress relievers. So, #TapIn, I’m sure you’ll enjoy the read!
Q. Tell us about the service and or good you provide?
I am the founder and CEO of The Walden Group, a dynamic real estate company that assists with the purchase and sale of real estate properties. We also offer lease-to-own and commercial real estate services as well.
Q. Where are you from?
I am from Atlanta Georgia.
Q. How did you start your company and or blog? How did you come up with the idea?
I have had a passion for real estate when I was a child. Since the age of 7, my mom would always tell me to invest in real estate one day. Ever since then her words have always stuck with me. My "why" has always been the little brown girls that look like me all over the world. When I get up every day to conduct business, I have them in my mind and that helps to keep me motivated.
My husband actually came up with the name The Walden Group. He emphasized how powerful the name sounded. So I took it and ran with it. I got my LLC and business information started and I was off to the races! My main goal is to show girls like myself that they can control their destiny, and anything they want will come to pass as long as they believe it will and put the proper action behind it.
Q. What should my audience look forward to when doing business with you?
We are dedicated to creating wealth through knowledge and building lasting relationships. Our primary goal is to provide outstanding experiences with every transaction. Our audience can look forward to expert knowledge, the trust of a well guided professional in a fun atmosphere and compassion and commitment from our experienced team. We are certain our clients will feel at home with our unique one on one approach to drive proven results. We pride ourselves on providing excellent assistance from start to close and far beyond.
Q. What was the last book you read?
The last good book I read was "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle. I have actually read it many times, and it gets better with every read. This book is fascinating because it discusses the power we all posses at this very moment, and that we should not be afraid of the future or regret the past because those moments don't even exist. It stretches the mind to its greatest limits and shows us just how powerful we truly are.
Q. What are your top 3 stress relievers?
Exercising, Yoga and Meditation
Q. What is one thing that you have to do every day?
One thing I have to do every day is talk to God. I believe that God lives within all of us, and its imperative for me to have a conversation with that inner being. To thank, discuss, plan and cheer on what lies within. If I miss a day of this, I tend to feel "off" or misguided.
Q. What do you enjoy doing during your free-time?
I love watching movies with my husband. We love "date-nights". Traveling is a great activity I love to do when I get the time. Food is also a major love of mine ;-) Bringing all of those necessities together for me is the best thing ever!
Q. Biggest accomplishment to date?
My biggest accomplishment to date is realizing and stepping into my power. What I mean is I had to learn and grow into this creation I am today. I had to feel my way through hardships and create a better way for my future self. I literally had to envision and manifest a better life for myself. So coming from the place I was, to where I sit today was a journey of ups and downs. I am grateful that I have the knowledge and realized my power to do so.
Q. If you could have dinner and invite 5 guests of your choice(anyone in the world, dead or alive) who would would it be & why?
1. My late grandmother, she has been my biggest cheerleader and angel.
2. Michael Jackson, As a child I was arguably his biggest fan. And besides, who wouldn't want to eat with one of the greats?!
3. Martin Luther King Jr. I would love to learn what his driving force was to be such a great leader.
4. Malcom X, I would definitely love to get into his mind and listen to him speak in person. He was such a prolific and dynamic influencer.
5. Oprah Winfrey, Aside from the obvious, she has had her struggles like we all have. I would love to know how she overcame her hardships and became the phenomenal woman she is today. Her story is very compelling.
Q. Where's the furthest place you've ever traveled?
Either Dubai or Nairobi, Kenya. Both are beautiful places. Its always great to get away and see how people on the other side of the world live, it helps to put things into perspective and its great to be well-traveled.
Q. If you could tell the 18yrs old you one thing, what would it be?
Everything is going to be perfectly fine.... You will encounter some bumps and potholes in the road, but those scars they create will only add to your character. You're doing GREAT!
Q. Where else can my audience find you?
My website is www.mywaldengroup.com and you can find me on Instagram @thewaldengroup_.